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Tuesday, 6 June 2017
Sunday, 4 June 2017
Yes! Not everybody wants to write a novel so a big YES to
you for purchasing the book .You made the commitment to write a novel and to
use Emotional Freedom Technique at the same time. Well done!
May be there are others yeses we can celebrate too.
Yes. You want to write a novel that will resonate with you
and your readers.
Yes. You want to write a novel that will satisfy you and
your readers.
Yes. You want to write a novel that will be stylistically
but also constructed properly.
Yes. You want to make money from this novel and have fun
along the way!
High five for all your reasons.
Who am I? And why am I writing this book?
I have been a teacher of English for more than 20 years and
started writing and going to creative writing classes from the age of 16. I
wrote and gained confidence with time. However it was not easy. Being French,
writing a novel in English was not only a challenge for the structure but also
from a stylistic approach. In France we are much more poetic and symbols take a
great place in a novel. In England, if it is not clear, we have to remove it.
Simple enough…well not that simple…Anyway after a few years, I started to teach
creative writing classes with success. That is why I am here.
But not only that, I
also have a passion for helping people. When I was 7 my parents could not
handle me so they put me in the hands of a psychotherapist. I gained a lot of
analytical skills and reinforced these skills with different trainings. One of
them was EFT. A revolution in my life. Beliefs can keep you stuck or empower
you. So if you change your beliefs your emotions change too and the flow of life
will once again run through you. Things you want will happen. People you want
to meet will speak with you. Situations you thought were dreamlike will
materialise. Everything falls into place when you have altered the beliefs that
were causing issues.
So I decided to combine the two of them and help you write
YOUR novel.
Let us define Novel. A novel is a long piece of fiction
writing that transports your readers into another world. A novel aims to
entertain people and make them feel the emotions of the characters, to make
them discover “under cover “ a new world.
The aim for the writer is to create a world that is so
believable that readers don’t see the time of the day nor be conscious of the reality they are in: reading a
book in a chair or in bed or on the public transport…
I will be your guide, I will tell you what to do, I will be
there for you but I won’t write your novel for you. I won’t make you wake up
early to write. I won’t decide for you. YOUR novel is 100% your responsibility,
you are the little god creating a world that will be liked by many. YOUR thoughts are yours. YOUR ideas are
yours. YOUR imagination is yours. YOUR universe you made is all yours. YOUR
past is your past. YOUR experiences are yours. YOU ARE THE SOURCE OF YOUR
HAPPINESS. I will help you achieve your goal. Give you the tips and knowledge
you need to make it easy But I repeat I am empowering you, not writing for you
or ruling your life. You do what feels right. If You want to make it happen we will
make it happen. But I repeat commitment and dedication are needed even with my
If you follow this book, your style will improve, your
story lines will improve, your characters will be believable and most
importantly the writing will seem effortless, manageable and professional.
So are we ready?
Whoops! I almost forgot to tell you about Tapping.
Before that let me explain about EFT also called Tapping.
Everything that is causing you emotions-a reaction from
something or someone or a situation- can be replaced by a positive feeling and
a positive belief. A belief is an affirmation that became true for you. You
substantiated the fact, for instance that all blind dogs bite, you heard it
from your grandma and you had the experience of these bites. But that is now a belief
that can stop you adopting a blind dog or just petting a blind dog. The same
goes for everything in your life. You are not conscious of everything your
brain has picked up to make you happy, to keep you safe, unhurt. Your body is a
neuro-transmitter of energy and everything works as one. When you tap onto your
body you actually facilitate the way your body and brain is working. It is a
little bit like sport. It works the same way. You feel better doing sport
because your body strengthens itself and it works better as a result. Sport is
the movement you make your body do.
A gentle tapping won’t give you abs but will make the
emotions you associate with doing the abs disappear so at the end of the day
you will be able to do the exercise without the extra beliefs you have carried
with you all along conscious or unconscious ie I hate exercises, I hate the
pain the effort, the time it takes, doing abs serve no purpose, it won’t show
on me, I am too fat for it to show….
I shall see you in chapter 1.
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