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Tuesday, 6 June 2017
Sunday, 4 June 2017
Yes! Not everybody wants to write a novel so a big YES to
you for purchasing the book .You made the commitment to write a novel and to
use Emotional Freedom Technique at the same time. Well done!
May be there are others yeses we can celebrate too.
Yes. You want to write a novel that will resonate with you
and your readers.
Yes. You want to write a novel that will satisfy you and
your readers.
Yes. You want to write a novel that will be stylistically
but also constructed properly.
Yes. You want to make money from this novel and have fun
along the way!
High five for all your reasons.
Who am I? And why am I writing this book?
I have been a teacher of English for more than 20 years and
started writing and going to creative writing classes from the age of 16. I
wrote and gained confidence with time. However it was not easy. Being French,
writing a novel in English was not only a challenge for the structure but also
from a stylistic approach. In France we are much more poetic and symbols take a
great place in a novel. In England, if it is not clear, we have to remove it.
Simple enough…well not that simple…Anyway after a few years, I started to teach
creative writing classes with success. That is why I am here.
But not only that, I
also have a passion for helping people. When I was 7 my parents could not
handle me so they put me in the hands of a psychotherapist. I gained a lot of
analytical skills and reinforced these skills with different trainings. One of
them was EFT. A revolution in my life. Beliefs can keep you stuck or empower
you. So if you change your beliefs your emotions change too and the flow of life
will once again run through you. Things you want will happen. People you want
to meet will speak with you. Situations you thought were dreamlike will
materialise. Everything falls into place when you have altered the beliefs that
were causing issues.
So I decided to combine the two of them and help you write
YOUR novel.
Let us define Novel. A novel is a long piece of fiction
writing that transports your readers into another world. A novel aims to
entertain people and make them feel the emotions of the characters, to make
them discover “under cover “ a new world.
The aim for the writer is to create a world that is so
believable that readers don’t see the time of the day nor be conscious of the reality they are in: reading a
book in a chair or in bed or on the public transport…
I will be your guide, I will tell you what to do, I will be
there for you but I won’t write your novel for you. I won’t make you wake up
early to write. I won’t decide for you. YOUR novel is 100% your responsibility,
you are the little god creating a world that will be liked by many. YOUR thoughts are yours. YOUR ideas are
yours. YOUR imagination is yours. YOUR universe you made is all yours. YOUR
past is your past. YOUR experiences are yours. YOU ARE THE SOURCE OF YOUR
HAPPINESS. I will help you achieve your goal. Give you the tips and knowledge
you need to make it easy But I repeat I am empowering you, not writing for you
or ruling your life. You do what feels right. If You want to make it happen we will
make it happen. But I repeat commitment and dedication are needed even with my
If you follow this book, your style will improve, your
story lines will improve, your characters will be believable and most
importantly the writing will seem effortless, manageable and professional.
So are we ready?
Whoops! I almost forgot to tell you about Tapping.
Before that let me explain about EFT also called Tapping.
Everything that is causing you emotions-a reaction from
something or someone or a situation- can be replaced by a positive feeling and
a positive belief. A belief is an affirmation that became true for you. You
substantiated the fact, for instance that all blind dogs bite, you heard it
from your grandma and you had the experience of these bites. But that is now a belief
that can stop you adopting a blind dog or just petting a blind dog. The same
goes for everything in your life. You are not conscious of everything your
brain has picked up to make you happy, to keep you safe, unhurt. Your body is a
neuro-transmitter of energy and everything works as one. When you tap onto your
body you actually facilitate the way your body and brain is working. It is a
little bit like sport. It works the same way. You feel better doing sport
because your body strengthens itself and it works better as a result. Sport is
the movement you make your body do.
A gentle tapping won’t give you abs but will make the
emotions you associate with doing the abs disappear so at the end of the day
you will be able to do the exercise without the extra beliefs you have carried
with you all along conscious or unconscious ie I hate exercises, I hate the
pain the effort, the time it takes, doing abs serve no purpose, it won’t show
on me, I am too fat for it to show….
I shall see you in chapter 1.
Wednesday, 31 May 2017
POEMS from my new book SIMPLY, POEMS
EFT spiritual poems |
Once I
dreamt I was you
And I had
people in my command
Once I
dreamt I was you
And I had
all the silence to make them understand
Once I
dreamt I was you
And I had
the heart of man to change
Once I
dreamt I was you
It was too
much I woke up feeling terribly tired
Notes to self:
never dream you are God because you are not
Change what
you can, co-control your destiny
And let
others do their parts.
I thought I
saw a pussy cat
It went all
white here on the mat
I thought I
saw a ghost of a cat
It spoke
English with a big hat
I gave him
something to stare at
I brought my
torch to blind the cat
It scared
him off, it left his hat
Since then I
wear a hat
belonged to a ghostly cat
In fact I
can say
I saw a
pussy cat with a beautiful white hat.
As soon as
Piggy went for dates
He found out
he was no match
For all the
girls there in the air, he was too fat
To stop his
misery he took
A membership
to a gym, he paid his card at least 10,00O bacon rash’
What an adventure
that was when he sweated and cried after the extra sport he had
He could not
think of anything but his bed, a meal, a bath and sleep
Maybe sport
was not for him, maybe he was destined to be fat.
Poor all
piggy he stuffed his face with even more fat and to be fair he tried and tried to lose his belly that grew not flat
He became bigger
and more chirpy
That is in itself
changed his life for thanks to his gob he found a wife
Who loves
him for what he is
sweaty and all manly who loves his food,
his beer and his sex life.
They have no
chance the stereoids guys
They are at
the gym trying to get what he now has
Maybe it is
time you see Piggy is right, be happy with what you have.
–French pronunciation
I am ready
You are
I am putting
my coat
You are
I am taking
You are
I am walking
You are
I am talking
You are
We are
having our walk!
Love is a dove
Flying high
High in the
It beams
It seems
High in the
Love had
Died for me
Love is not
Love died
When I was
Love left me
Leaving me
On my own
Alone and
But doves
So I cried
and shut my eyes
Doves are dead
But in my
Doves are
I am hot,
cold and turn yellow
I sweat, I
smell, I am sick and stink
But I will
take some pills and I will sleep
maybe thick but sick I won’t be
tomorrow will free me
Hopes have
just cured me
Leave me
now, we will see if I am right
If tomorrow
my health returns to me.
C’est la vie
But I am
only twenty three
I want you
to see
I want to be
Let me be
kill me
Leave me
And destroy
me completely
I will have
no mercy
I will fight
you kingly
I won’t have
much appreciation
For others
Or for my
feeling guilty
I live for
And all its
happens daily
No more
For intimacy
At last
comes to me.
I was 7 and
learning how to ride a bike
I followed
the group and climbed the steep hill
But suddenly
went shite
Realising I
had to descend
Opening my
mouth wide open with fear
A large bee
flew in
I was so preoccupied
with my mouth
I made it
down unhurt
A friend in
need needs
A bee indeed
My son my
dear son
I waited
And carried
you days and nights
For 9 months
and here you were
Joy of my
I brought
you up
And gave you
And you fed
and filled my life
With joy and
I used to
praise the sky
For its
But now, you
are gone
And I find
Crying all
day long
On my own
Longing for
you being back
Darling I
always wanted to tell you
I love you
But today it
is too late
And time
kills my hopes
Each hour a
bit more
My son, I
miss you!
Smell of the
damp inside
In the house,
the wilderness
Mixture of smell
of cows’ pies
And pine
There is a
Which leads
To the dark
That’s the
border between
France and
All around
fields and typical
Low hanging
roof houses
And some
unhurried cows
And the only
noises you hear,
The wind,
the cows bells and
Me and this
scene are in harmony
People say,
I want this and I want that
Or I don’t
want this and I don’t want that
They wish
everyone a peaceful Christmas
And make war
on Christmas day
They wish
Christmas merry when inside they are not up for the party
They buy
goodies and feel well when their bank overdraft account has swell
Families are
the target of the festivities on the day of the nativity
I Father Christmas
for once ask you to be you and not to pretend that you are happy with your lot
at Christmas or not
And this
year let us make it right
Christmas sake you will be alright if you let your differences aside
Cause in my
name you will celebrate the blessings of our father, the holy and the son
Make this
year one to be remembered
Not for its
presents but for its holy presence
When once
Christmas is gone
You will say
I long today it was Christmas day
Love and
Father Xmas
He was drunk
and desperately wanted to have sex
He hid
himself in a dark path and waited
A girl came.
He raped her
and went home.
He slept
deeply, woke up and read the daily news.
The world
was disgusting. She was only 14.
Open your
And look
Love is
here, there and everywhere
So no reasons
for you
To feel
Be smart, be
And off you
You will be
And believe
You will
feel happy
For you will
be top
Of the world
Here, there
and everywhere
Once your
eyes will see
All the
wonder of the loves
Of your love
So now are
you ready?
Open your
I close my
And there
you are
Warm and
A fire of
An ocean of
A dreamboat
in a flood
A mountain
of strength
You are my
unique soul when I am alone
I want to
I want to
I want to
Life is easy
When you are
Oh here with
Just in my
I feel happy
I feel funny
I am beauty
When you are
Oh here with
Stop my
And come
back to me
Don’t’ leave
Now you are
not here to open my eyes
You are gone
I won’t
Pretend for
And I won’t
When you are
here with me
I become
thousand and one person only
Saturday, 27 May 2017
Monday, 15 May 2017
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EFT and slimming |
the enzymes that help you digest ease the chopping of the food in your
stomach, the impact of bile acids done by the liver is even more important.
healthy liver roughly makes 1 litre a day of bile acids. The bile goes
directly to the small intestine to make the grease particles liquid. When the
bile acids are not working it can create instant chaos. So in order for you
to detox your body it is important for you to have a good flow of bile acids.
liver is constantly bombarded with chemicals, toxic products coming from the
environment. The toxic and chemicals are in the food you eat, the water you
drink, the air you breath. The bile transports the toxic substance to the
intestine which will remove it from your body. The small intestine is also the one that is
going to remove the cholesterol from your body. The small intestine stops you
having constipation. When the bile is
underworking the toxin and cholesterol remain longer in the organs and may
create any
structural change in a body part.
Artichokes have been used for long time to deal with indigestion and problems linked with the liver. The leaves of the artichokes contain flavonoids –part of the polyphenol family-, and 2 kinds of acids which are good for you. Several studies have shown that the leaves were especially good to make the bile acids. The leaves are also antioxidant, they protect the liver and make the level of fat in your blood cells diminish.
is an extract from the thistle which is part of the flavonoid family. It is one
of the most potent protectors of the liver. It also helps produce bile acids.
Silymarin also helps with the regeneration of the cells in the liver . As an
antioxidant it is very powerful, it can remove the bad effects caused by
drinking and other toxins and help the fighting part of the liver by
increasing its level by one third.
improves the function of the liver and avoids destruction of its cells by
neutering the destroying factors like free radicals and fat. It protects
against lesions produced by medicine intakes or alcohol or illnesses. It
prevents food from stagnating in the digestive tube. According to recent
studies the silymarin is the best documented medicine for the treatment of damage
caused to the liver by the toxins as
well as viruses despite the stage of the hepatitis.
is obtained by burning wood. It contains porous absorbers that are 100%
natural. It remains in the digestive tube and is well tolerated by your body.
The charcoal has the following properties: it can hoover bacterias, toxins
and gas. It is excellent at dealing with anything linked with digestive
problems, abdominal pains, trouble with bowels movements and bloated feelings.
Charcoal removes efficiently aerophagia the eruptions of gas in the stomach.
It helps with diarrhea and it soothes the stomach by making a protecting layer
around the stomach.
in the food are essential for your health. Fibres contain non digestible
substance by your body called carbohydrates. Fibres can be found in fruits,
beans and grains. The good thing about fibres is they link themselves with
the bile acids because of the excess of fat absorbed during meal time. If you
regularly take fibres you will realise you will eat less. They help quicken
the digestive process and help at preventing formation of toxins in the body.
They reduce the absorption of cholesterol, reduce cardiovascular illness,
reduce glycaemia peaks and improve your intestinal flora. Fibres help your
small intestine work regularly so that it helps you pass poo and help you digest the food you have taken.
thing that is good for you is the chitosan. It is the protection around prawns
and things of that nature. In the body, it is fully absorbed and forms a gel.
The greasy stuff and the bile are helped by the chitosan. The chitosan acts as a coagulant for lumps
of fat by trapping them and removing them out of the digestive tube. It is
said that the chitosan is the best substance to help reduce the absorption of
lipids when you are having a meal that is heavy and rich.
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EFT and slimming |
Sorry if it seems a bit
churchy, religious or too spiritual for you. However, blessing your food will
improve your life and make you slim. If your food is blessed then it is less
likely to harm your body despite the quality of the food you bought. Preparing
food with love will enhance your food. Because they are vibrations too. If you
are preparing it with love the food will absorb that too.
17 years ago I started to
learn Reiki and Reiki greatly improved my life. One of the things I have
learned is to bless food. And I am always surprised even amazed by the results
it produces. Just like Thomas Edison who when interviewed about electricity is
reported to have said that he did not
know what it was but he knew how to work with it. Blessing your food is a
little magical.
Blessing comes from two
origins: old English - blood- and Latin –benefeciere- which means to praise .
When you bless your food you are literally praying for the blessing to help your
blood. Blessing harmonises your food so you can be happy. It is like sending
light to the food.
When you bless someone
you relieve them from stress, the same process happens with food, you remove
the toxicity of the food by blessing your food.
Doing the blessing also
generates inside of us peace, maybe that is why foods are better when they are
blessed. Blessing can also be done from a distance, you can bless someone else
for health, wealth and happiness even though you are miles apart. And it works
the same way whether you are far or close. At the end of the day what works is
the intention you put into your thoughts, prayers …it is the vibration that is
doing the work. And vibrations travel at the speed of light. It is invisible to
us, but it is very potent.
What do you need to say
to bless your food?
Just say: I bless this
food in such a way that it benefits my body.
What do you need to feel?
You need to feel as if
your thoughts are transmitting healing vibrations to the food, and within you
feel purified by it already.
The more you do it the
better at it you will be. It is a bit strange at first but then it expands and
grows and you will little by little bless many things in your life. But you
will finally bless the person you are for there is no better person than you,
to be you.
And remember you are the
best version of you despite what they say, despite your mistakes, and despite
your so called failures or flaws.
And just another word: Bless
Friday, 5 May 2017
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You think it is
impossible to slim just by breathing. What if this simple method could help you
sleep, be calm and help you eat less? What if all it takes is for you to
breathe consciously? What if you can breathe and slim now?
When you are angry and
out of control you tend to blow hot air. It is normal. That is the process for
your body to relax. Knowing this you understand that your breathing impacts your
bodies and that you were given a respiratory system for a reason.
You also know that stressing,
fearing, and worrying are in part responsible for your body to be out of shape.
When your incessant stress hormones is stimulated your emotions are out of
whack and to calm them down you over-stuff yourselves with all kinds of naughtiness.
So it goes without saying
that you calm everything down by breathing while imagining , for instance, that
you are in your safe place surrounded by people and things you like. If you
take the time to do that you won’t have the urge to vampirise your cupboards or
buy soda drinks to keep you going.
Most of us don’t breathe
properly we mostly use the upper part of the body to oxygenate our bodies. We
just breathe through our lungs, letting our bellies inactive.
The best way, is the baby’s
way, breathing through the diaphragm. The breathing is slown down therefore your
tension is released. 6 deep breath a minute on average, you will inspire 5
seconds and breathe out for 5 seconds. At the beginning you have to count but
then it becomes second nature.
Why doing this is good? Because
it massages all the organs around the diaphragm and stimulate your digestion. And
because it stimulates this big muscle that goes across your belly. It is the
same muscle that makes your belly flat.
Also breathing deeply
oxygenise your body in other words it burns your fat for you. The fat tissues thanks to your breathing,
in the oxygen your breath, the hydrogen will transform inside your body into
water, the water will pass as urine. The breathing will also create dioxide of
carbon that will be breathed out.
Your breathings in the small
intestine thanks to the oxygen will help
improve the absorption of nutrients. That will boost your metabolism thus will burn
calories. Also when you deep breathe you produce an acid that helps you do
That is why when you deep breath you
are better at controlling your emotions.
When your mood is in check you won’t be
tempted by snacks. Also because you breathe more deeply you will slim.
Thursday, 4 May 2017
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news: exercising is good for you. Exercising is good to keep your body in
shape, it reduces risk of certain diseases, it helps with your balance, it helps
with your memory and helps with your
mood. Moreover exercising lessen you being constipated and helps with your
sleep pattern.
do you know the side effects of not exercising? Your blood pressure increases,
the fat in you cells increases, your body weakens, muscles and heart strength
are largely diminished. And the good cholesterol in your body goes down.
you don’t need to be a scientist to realise you need exercising. Don’t turn
your face on me here. Even if you dont at first enjoy it exercising will enhance
your body, mind and spirit.
personally use this video -https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=fLrKgwICkWA- to do
one set and keep my body in alignment. I also walk the dogs everyday at least 1
hour and a half a day.
I would say is the more active you can be, the better it is for you.
activities are good for you?
need to find out for yourself. I don’t like swimming myself but it is good for
you. I like pilates and volley ball and badminton and tennis… Before knowing
this I enrolled into different classes: Judo, climbing, ice skating, skiing,
football, horse riding….
best way to practice exercising is with a gym buddy because you become
accountable and you can share the experience.
need to push yourself to reach your level best but never never never compare
yourself with others. Why? Because then you will want to reach their level
best. Is it what is good for you? You can choose a role model something you
aspire to, but never beat yourself up if you can’t reach or do what the so
called model is doing.
thing I want to say is that if you are like me, you are not a gym bunny, dress
up for the part and do the exercising at the same time each day. It will help
your body and your body clock will get accustomed to your daily exercising.
ironing, window cleaning, painting… are all exercises. DON’T THINK EXERCISING
Tuesday, 2 May 2017
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Not really it is more the
effect that music has on us that makes us move and as a result slim down, tone
up. Music is great for the soul and hearing poetry will probably ease your
medical issues. Think about lyrics such as love is all around us and already
your stress hormone is happy.
Dancing to music can
really shape you up and give you the flexibility and sexy vavavoom that you
have been looking for. Dancing is a sport, you lose calories, you become more
than the person you are, your energy reaches further , you are a moving magnet
when you dance and everyone benefits from it. If you have seen whirling
dervishes in action it is quite impressive how trance can take them far and
beyond this reality.
But today I want to speak about
how brain waves can help you slim down. Especially binaural brain waves. Sounds can help you reach
the life of your dreams. Binaural beats benefit your metabolism as it increase,
remove fat and stops you sabotaging yourself by stopping you remaining in the
comfort zone.
On top of that most binaural
beats CDs or programme you can buy on sliming contain hypnotic suggestions to
maximise your results.
Many studies have proven that
listening to binaural beats change your vibrations. And remember what you
vibrate at you attract. So in short binaural beats help you manifest miracles in
to your life.
You may have started many diets
with good intentions and the slimming took place but then the old pattern crept back. Your
behaviour has not changed. You did not reprogramme your brain.
You might have given excuses for
your so called up and down on the scale, you might have even given yourself
plausible reasons for your failings. But what you are in fact doing is adding
to your failure habits that become so engrossed in you that success, for your
subconscious ind, is not even an option anymore.
That is why most of the time your
motivations are flaky.
After that come why me?, life
is unfair and other nonsense that martyrdom makes you say to yourself.
Binaural beats are sounds
vibrations that can be used with music and that help radically transform your
brain waves in no time. These change of brain waves could impact your moods,
thinking and even your body as a whole.
When your brain is at it peak
it is called brain synchronisation. This is when the conscious and the subconscious
mind meet.
For slimming 295.8hz binaural
beats are the best. When you listen to that your brain will automatically
actualise so that your body slim and you feel healthy and you become the
healthy person you were meant to be in the first place. You have an energic
vibration that will be charge with slimming vibrations.
If you think about your microsystem
in your body all this tiny bugs living with you they all react to vibrations
too. So listening to this frequency will help your body on a regular basis,
half an hour a day is best.
Bruce Lipton says that: Your brain sends out
vibrations all the time, and your thoughts affect your life and other people's.
For me, it means that is very well having wants and desires
but if it is not controlled, if your vibrations are always the same then you won’t get the result you want. Your energy
vibrations and brainwaves are all interlinked.
Having hypnotic sentences combined to the beats and the music
will radically change your thoughts patterns – your main source of vibrations-
and will have an impact on your emotion and behaviour. When you feel and you
are respectful then you do respectful
things. It is the same for you and your slimming plan, if you have inner
respect for yourself you will achieve your dreams by sticking to changing the vibrations
that were not so good and did not produce the right results for you.
The main reasons why you could not slim so far is because
some subconscious beliefs control you. If a long time ago you picked up
destructive beliefs then it is very hard to deprogramme. However thanks to EFT
you can.
Just remember your subconscious mind is the one that protects
you and is trying to do what you want. If you one of your core belief is security
then you may keep your Bart Simpson belly because it is secure to have extra
fat just in case. The subconscious mind is also the one that wins over the conscious
mind. So if those two are not in partnership you won’t win.
It is what you believe that makes you think, feel and behave
and experience things a certain way. The interpretations of your reality are
filtered by your beliefs. Circumstances will match your beliefs. However you
need to become aware and do something to reprogramme your subconscious mind so
that the goals you want to achieve are reached.
If you constantly repeat: I
cant slim, I am too greedy, I don’t deserve to slim, I hate dieting or I am
dying for chocolate bars, I am desperate for some fish and chips or who cares I
will just have a beer… Then you are making it difficult for you to change.
When your mental blocks are removed then you will be able to
have the life of your dreams and binaural beats can do that for you.
The unlimited YOU, the slim YOU needs to learn to love and
accept him or herself where it is at right now. And take charge. Only you can
do the work, if that sounds like an avenue you want to explore do so. If it is
does not, do not.
Your happiness depends on you. Your
choice, Your life. Just know that your new life is only one beat away.
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