Monday, 15 May 2017


EFT and slimming

If the enzymes that help you digest ease the chopping of the food in your stomach, the impact of bile acids done by the liver is even more important.

A healthy liver roughly makes 1 litre a day of bile acids. The bile goes directly to the small intestine to make the grease particles liquid. When the bile acids are not working it can create instant chaos. So in order for you to detox your body it is important for you to have a good flow of bile acids.

Your liver is constantly bombarded with chemicals, toxic products coming from the environment. The toxic and chemicals are in the food you eat, the water you drink, the air you breath. The bile transports the toxic substance to the intestine which will remove it from your body.   The small intestine is also the one that is going to remove the cholesterol from your body. The small intestine stops you having constipation.  When the bile is underworking the toxin and cholesterol remain longer in the organs and may create any structural change in a body part.

Artichokes have been used for long time to deal with indigestion and problems linked with the liver. The leaves of the artichokes contain flavonoids –part of the polyphenol family-, and 2 kinds of acids which are good for you. Several studies have shown that the leaves were especially good to make the bile acids.  The leaves are also antioxidant, they protect the liver and make the level of fat in your blood cells diminish.

Silymarin, is an extract from the thistle which  is part of the flavonoid family. It is one of the most potent protectors of the liver. It also helps produce bile acids. Silymarin also helps with the regeneration of the cells in the liver . As an antioxidant it is very powerful, it can remove the bad effects caused by drinking and other toxins and help the fighting part of the liver by increasing its level by one third.

It improves the function of the liver and avoids destruction of its cells by neutering the destroying factors like free radicals and fat. It protects against lesions produced by medicine intakes or alcohol or illnesses. It prevents food from stagnating in the digestive tube. According to recent studies the silymarin is the best documented medicine for the treatment of damage caused to the liver by the toxins  as well as viruses despite the stage of the hepatitis.

Charcoal is obtained by burning wood. It contains porous absorbers that are 100% natural. It remains in the digestive tube and is well tolerated by your body. The charcoal has the following properties: it can hoover bacterias, toxins and gas. It is excellent at dealing with anything linked with digestive problems, abdominal pains, trouble with bowels movements and bloated feelings. Charcoal removes efficiently aerophagia the eruptions of gas in the stomach. It helps with diarrhea and it soothes the stomach by making a protecting layer around the stomach.

Fibres in the food are essential for your health. Fibres contain non digestible substance by your body called carbohydrates. Fibres can be found in fruits, beans and grains. The good thing about fibres is they link themselves with the bile acids because of the excess of fat absorbed during meal time. If you regularly take fibres you will realise you will eat less. They help quicken the digestive process and help at preventing formation of toxins in the body. They reduce the absorption of cholesterol, reduce cardiovascular illness, reduce glycaemia peaks and improve your intestinal flora. Fibres help your small intestine work regularly so that it helps you  pass poo and  help you digest the food you have taken.

Another thing that is good for you is the chitosan. It is the protection around prawns and things of that nature. In the body, it is fully absorbed and forms a gel. The greasy stuff and the bile are helped by the chitosan.  The chitosan acts as a coagulant for lumps of fat by trapping them and removing them out of the digestive tube. It is said that the chitosan is the best substance to help reduce the absorption of lipids when you are having a meal that is heavy and rich.

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