Tuesday, 2 May 2017



Not really it is more the effect that music has on us that makes us move and as a result slim down, tone up. Music is great for the soul and hearing poetry will probably ease your medical issues. Think about lyrics such as love is all around us and already your stress hormone is happy.

Dancing to music can really shape you up and give you the flexibility and sexy vavavoom that you have been looking for. Dancing is a sport, you lose calories, you become more than the person you are, your energy reaches further , you are a moving magnet when you dance and everyone benefits from it. If you have seen whirling dervishes in action it is quite impressive how trance can take them far and beyond this reality.


But today I want to speak about how brain waves can help you slim down. Especially binaural brain waves. Sounds can help you reach the life of your dreams. Binaural beats benefit your metabolism as it increase, remove fat and stops you sabotaging yourself by stopping you remaining in the comfort zone.


On top of that most binaural beats CDs or programme you can buy on sliming contain hypnotic suggestions to maximise your results.


Many studies have proven that listening to binaural beats change your vibrations. And remember what you vibrate at you attract. So in short binaural beats help you manifest miracles in to your life.


You may have started many diets with good intentions and the slimming took place  but then the old pattern crept back. Your behaviour has not changed. You did not reprogramme your brain.

You might have given excuses for your so called up and down on the scale, you might have even given yourself plausible reasons for your failings. But what you are in fact doing is adding to your failure habits that become so engrossed in you that success, for your subconscious ind, is not even an option anymore.

That is why most of the time your motivations are flaky.

After that come why me?, life is unfair and other nonsense that martyrdom makes you say to yourself.

Binaural beats are sounds vibrations that can be used with music and that help radically transform your brain waves in no time. These change of brain waves could impact your moods, thinking and even your body as a whole.
When your brain is at it peak it is called brain synchronisation. This is when the conscious and the subconscious mind meet.
For slimming 295.8hz binaural beats are the best. When you listen to that your brain will automatically actualise so that your body slim and you feel healthy and you become the healthy person you were meant to be in the first place. You have an energic vibration that will be charge with slimming vibrations.

If you think about your microsystem in your body all this tiny bugs living with you they all react to vibrations too. So listening to this frequency will help your body on a regular basis, half an hour a day is best.

Bruce Lipton says that: Your brain sends out vibrations all the time, and your thoughts affect your life and other people's. For me, it means that is very well having wants and desires but if it is not controlled, if your vibrations are always the same then  you won’t get the result you want. Your energy vibrations and brainwaves are all interlinked.
Having hypnotic sentences combined to the beats and the music will radically change your thoughts patterns – your main source of vibrations- and will have an impact on your emotion and behaviour. When you feel and you are respectful then you do  respectful things. It is the same for you and your slimming plan, if you have inner respect for yourself you will achieve your dreams by sticking to changing the vibrations that were not so good and did not produce the right results for you.

The main reasons why you could not slim so far is because some subconscious beliefs control you. If a long time ago you picked up destructive beliefs then it is very hard to deprogramme. However thanks to EFT you can.

Just remember your subconscious mind is the one that protects you and is trying to do what you want. If you one of your core belief is security then you may keep your Bart Simpson belly because it is secure to have extra fat just in case. The subconscious mind is also the one that wins over the conscious mind. So if those two are not in partnership you won’t win.

It is what you believe that makes you think, feel and behave and experience things a certain way. The interpretations of your reality are filtered by your beliefs. Circumstances will match your beliefs. However you need to become aware and do something to reprogramme your subconscious mind so that the goals you want to achieve are reached.

If you constantly repeat: I cant slim, I am too greedy, I don’t deserve to slim, I hate dieting or I am dying for chocolate bars, I am desperate for some fish and chips or who cares I will just have a beer… Then you are making it difficult for you to change.
When your mental blocks are removed then you will be able to have the life of your dreams and binaural beats can do that for you.

The unlimited YOU, the slim YOU needs to learn to love and accept him or herself where it is at right now. And take charge. Only you can do the work, if that sounds like an avenue you want to explore do so. If it is does not, do not.

Your happiness depends on you. Your choice, Your life. Just know that your new life is only  one beat away.

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