Wednesday, 31 May 2017

POEMS from my new book SIMPLY, POEMS

EFT spiritual poems

Once I dreamt I was you
And I had people in my command

Once I dreamt I was you
And I had all the silence to make them understand

Once I dreamt I was you
And I had the heart of man to change

Once I dreamt I was you
It was too much I woke up feeling terribly tired

Notes to self: never dream you are God because you are not
Change what you can, co-control your destiny
And let others do their parts.


I thought I saw a pussy cat
It went all white here on the mat
I thought I saw a ghost of a cat
It spoke English with a big hat
I gave him something to stare at
I brought my torch to blind the cat
It scared him off, it left his hat
Since then I wear a hat
That belonged to a ghostly cat
In fact I can say
I saw a pussy cat with a beautiful white hat.


As soon as Piggy went for dates
He found out he was no match
For all the girls there in the air, he was too fat
To stop his misery he took
A membership to a gym, he paid his card at least 10,00O bacon rash’
What an adventure that was when he sweated and cried after the extra sport he  had
He could not think of anything but his bed, a meal, a bath and sleep
Maybe sport was not for him, maybe he was destined to be fat.
Poor all piggy he stuffed his face with even more fat and to be fair  he tried and tried to lose his  belly that grew not flat
He became bigger and more chirpy
That is in itself changed his life for thanks to his gob he found a wife
Who loves him for what he is  
Heavy, sweaty  and all manly who loves his food, his beer and his sex life.
They have no chance the stereoids guys
They are at the gym trying to get what he now has
Maybe it is time you see Piggy is right, be happy with what you have.

LAVIE –French pronunciation

I am ready
You are willing
I am putting my coat
You are waiting
I am taking you
You are happy
I am walking
You are flirting
I am talking
You are barking
We are having our walk!


Love is a dove
Flying high
High in the sky
Where somewhere
It beams

It seems that
Anywhere, everywhere
High in the sky
Love had died

Died for me
Love is not around
Love died
When I was twenty
Love left me
Leaving me
On my own
Alone and lonely

But doves are
Black nowadays
So I cried and shut my eyes
Doves are dead 
But in my head
Doves are there.


I am hot, cold and turn yellow
I sweat, I smell, I am sick and stink
But I will take some pills and I will sleep
Tomorrow maybe thick but sick I won’t be
Because tomorrow will free me
Hopes have just cured me
Leave me now, we will see if I am right
If tomorrow my health returns to me.


C’est la vie
But I am only twenty three
I want you to see
I want to be
Let me be
Otherwise kill me
Leave me
And destroy me completely
I will have no mercy
I will fight you kingly
I won’t have much appreciation
For others pity
Or for my feeling guilty
I live for reality
And all its beauty
Which happens daily
No more masking
For intimacy
At last comes to me.


I was 7 and learning how to ride a bike
I followed the group and climbed the steep hill
But suddenly went shite
Realising I had to descend
Opening my mouth wide open with fear
A large bee flew in
I was so preoccupied with my mouth
I made it down unhurt
A friend in need needs
A bee indeed


My son my dear son
I waited long
And carried you days and nights
For 9 months and here you were
Joy of my life

I brought you up
And gave you love
And you fed and filled my life
With joy and happiness

I used to praise the sky 
For its present
But now, you are gone
And I find myself
Crying all day long
On my own
Longing for you being back

Darling I always wanted to tell you
I love you
But today it is too late
And time kills my hopes
Each hour a bit more
My son, I miss you!


Smell of the damp inside
In the house, the wilderness
Mixture of smell of cows’ pies
And pine trees
There is a way
Which leads
To the dark forest
That’s the border between
France and Switzerland
All around fields and typical
Low hanging roof houses
And some unhurried cows
And the only noises you hear,
The wind, the cows bells and
The threshers
Me and this scene are in harmony


People say, I want this and I want that
Or I don’t want this and I don’t want that
They wish everyone a peaceful Christmas
And make war on Christmas day
They wish Christmas merry when inside they are not up for the party
They buy goodies and feel well when their bank overdraft account has swell
Families are the target of the festivities on the day of the nativity
I Father Christmas for once ask you to be you and not to pretend that you are happy with your lot at Christmas or not
And this year let us make it right
For Christmas sake you will be alright if you let your differences aside
Cause in my name you will celebrate the blessings of our father, the holy and the son
Make this year one to be remembered
Not for its presents but for its holy presence
When once Christmas is gone
You will say I long today it was Christmas day
Love and respect
Father Xmas


He was drunk and desperately wanted to have sex
He hid himself in a dark path and waited
A girl came.
He raped her and went home.
He slept deeply, woke up and read the daily news.
The world was disgusting. She was only 14.


Open your eyes
And look
Look sensibly
Love is here, there and everywhere

So no reasons for you
To feel lonely
Be smart, be gorgeous
And off you go
You will be lovely

And believe me
You will feel happy
For you will be top
Of the world
Here, there and everywhere

Once your eyes will see
All the wonder of the loves
Of your love
So now are you ready?
Open your eyes!!!!


I close my eyes
And there you are
Warm and tender
A fire of blood
An ocean of flowers
A dreamboat in a flood
A mountain of strength
You are my unique soul when I am alone
I want to dance
I want to sing
I want to fly
Life is easy
When you are here
Oh here with me
Just in my dreams
I feel happy
I feel funny
I am beauty
When you are here 
Oh here with me
Stop my misery
And come back to me
Don’t’ leave me
Now you are not here to open my eyes
You are gone
I won’t pretend
Pretend for long
And I won’t forget
When you are here with me
I become thousand and one person only

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