What is within, within your body, within emotions and your thoughts create your circumstances in your life. What happens to you is not random, you provoke it, you make it happen. You are responsible for your life. Maybe you don't want to see something..Let me tell you one thing the dark side of yourselves, if not attended, will run your life.
Thinking you are not perfect right here and right now is an illusion.
You have the perfect body , whether you like it or not, your body is your eternal companion on this Earth so make a friend of your body, take care of your body and love your body.
Your life is really a reflection of your thinking and you shape your reality with every thought you have. Your life is what you make it: hell or paradise. Your lessons in life were not forced on you but you invited them in to become a better person.
Consider that your mistakes are not mistakes at all but they are challenges that help you grow. They are not wrong or something to be ashamed of. It is through the experience that you grow.
Every time you see a pattern emerges in your life you an be sure it is because you have not learned a lesson. Ask yourself what is my lesson? Once the understanding is here you will NOT repeat the same mistakes over and over again.
If you think the grass is greener on the other side, believe you me it is an illusion. Everywhere you go you will be. Your state of thinking will be here too. If you don't change your thinking then your grass will still seem dull. Every time a transformation occurs within your life you will realise that your life is not that bad and actually very good.
Others are your mirrors. If you keep on seeing something you don't like in others, you can be sure that the thing you don't like is in you too. If you see a flaw or a quality in someone you can also be sure you have the same character traits.
Opportunities are coming your way almost everyday. What you do with these opportunities will really make a difference in your life and define more clearly who you are on a soul level.
Don't think your answers to your questions can come from someone else. The answer that is right for you will come directly from you. Others don't know. Listen to your intuition and watch out for signs.
It is never too late and never too early to do anything. Do not compare yourself with someone else as you have your life to live. Now is the only moment you have. So if you feel like starting the piano when you are 80, don't say I am too old what is the point? rather just say I will do it now and I will enjoy paying the piano, even badly.
EFT can help in clearing some of these negative beliefs away. For instance if you have the belief that you don't like your body. You can tap, WHAT IF I START TO LOVE MY BODY? WHAT IF I LISTEN TO MY BODY? WHAT IF I GIVE TO MY BODY WHAT MY BODY NEEDS?