Saturday 18 March 2017

Welcome to my EFT page: this is where I am going to speak about my books

Been working hard on my new book and I am proud to say it will be available to you on 21st.March 2017.TAPPING TO MANIFEST YOUR DREAMS: EFT and the Law of Manifestation combined deals mostly with how EFT can  not only enhance your life but also bring its magic. This book gives you an understanding of how EFT works in your Life.

The book content:

1 Managing and leading the self with EFT: how EFT can support your own self growth

2 Incremental steps in mind body and spirit: pieces of advise on what to be in the flow

3 Stop saying: I want

4 How to feel good about yourself

5 Happiness now: attitude and rule of thumb

6 Hypnosis and EFT: how they are similar and different

7 Negative beliefs and your subconscious mind: how to deal with them

8 Positive psychology and EFT: how these 2 disciplines stem from the same root

9 Voltaire and the Law of Manifestation: doing is key

10 LOVE comes first: self care is love

11 We are all Yin and Yang influenced: what to do to regain your  balance

To buy the book click here; not yet available..sorry

to buy my other book to transform your life click here

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