When you do less you have more. Effort is rewarded when you pay attention to what the rewards of your effort are. And you will notice that 80% of your rewards comes from 20% of your effort. So attracting money , making money , having a life purpose will come when you apply the 80/20e principle.
It is so simple. Break down your actions into steps and then next to each one write down what the results you obtain. I suggest you concentrate investing 20% of your times to make 80% of your money. Same for effort. Don't concentrate 80%of your energy on what will bring you only 20% of your results.
This principle seems like a joke, a lazy way to do things but it is not. Efficiency is key in this world. Spending your time, energy, and even finances on things that won't bring you result is in my mind a stupid thing to do.
When I was teaching I realised that 80% of the good results I got from my GCSE learners came from going over the Exam methodology on a regular basis, which took only 20% of my time.
When I do EFT, my clients get more than 80% positive results from working on their negative beliefs, which only take me 20% of their time to dig out .
This Pareto law- the inventor of the 80/20 principle- can be applied in every area of your life. You just need to monitor what is going on for a short while and you will see a pattern emerge.
My advise to you as far as your money situation is concerned: find out for you, in your own business, what it is the 80/20 problem solutions equation for your customers and then give it to them. They will invest in you because they will see the value in what you have to offer.
The main thing to remember is that your customers have to see the benefits in paying you so you can be recommended, become a success and rock and roll.
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