Monday, 20 March 2017

Money? Not interested!

Who in the world is not interested to survive?  Money is the heart of Life. You can't do without. People who tell you they are not interested in money it is because they have some or are provided in one way or another.

Money is meant to flow to you. When it does not you are probably stopping the flow coming your way by being obsessed about it. It becomes your number 1 priority, You forget that you want the money for whatever feelings  money will provide you at the end. For example, you want money to go on holiday, the feeling you want to experience maybe peace, being cared of, joy, adventure...

Knowing that your MONEY obsession is based on feelings you want to experience, it makes sense to work on your feelings to manifest money. Indeed if you have programmed your mind to associate the feeling of peace with holiday let us say, then if you feel on a regular basis the feeling of peace, then money will come to you so you can go on holiday. Just like magic.

You are responsible for your life 100%. Forget blaming others, complaining and the feelings of despair. If you want things to change you have to change. If you want more money, do something about it. And it begins with you knowing which feelings you want to experience.


NB: I forgot to mention: Do you want more money?, this book  will probably be released next week!

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