Thursday, 27 April 2017



Most people know that fasting is good for you. It has been supported by spiritual and religious masters and also health nutritionists and sport therapists.

But did you know that there is a high amount of evidence showing that intermittent fasting is the best life style ever?
This is not a diet. Intermittent fasting is about making sure the body work less as far as digestion and insulin is concerned. You only eat for  period of 8 hours and you let your body free of food for 16 hours. If you think about it on average you spend 8 hours in bed. If you eat around 8 oclok in the evening and start eating at 12 then you have your 16 hours untouched.

The benefits are: clarity of thought, concentration more energy, better body. A woman in her sixties in France, Dolores Boucher said she had tried every diet and could not lose her little cushions on her thighs. But with the intermittent diet she did and was amazed of how her body reacted. At first she thought it was another diet fluke but she is saying: “This is a not a diet, I can eat and drink what I want as long as it is in this 8 hour period then after that I let my body deal with  my food intake.”
Dietician are saying that you need the same number of calories you would normally take regularly for your effort to show on your body. Sport therapists are now saying that you don’t need to eat 7 times during the day but use intermittent fasting to build up your muscles.

Why does intermittent fasting build up your muscles? It does not.
What happen is that the layer of fat around your organs disappear little by little and the work you are doing at the gym or at home is now showing. If you don’t do the gym, you just become slim.

What happen to the body when you do the intermittent fasting?
Your body is entering a process of renewal of cells and change your level of hormone to reach fat cells more easily. The level of insulin in your body goes down so you can burn fat more easily. The growth hormone in your blood stream will increase. This hormone is the one that helps you build your muscles and burn fat. Your body will literally flush out toxins.  This will also have a benefit effect as far as r living a longer healthier longer life is concerned. Intermittent fasting is proven to reduce risks of cancer. The fast will make you calorie deficient so it will reinforce your hormones to help you lose the fat.
Apparently the metabolism increases by 15% on average when you fast.

So what stops you opting for this life style?
Studies show that on average after 3 months you would have lost 3 to 10% of your actual weight which is excellent and if you carry on your body will find its ideal weight. In this 3 first months studies are showing that you will also reduce the size of your waste line from 4 to 10%. The Bart Simpson belly will disappear.

Everything that reduces the level of sugar in the blood is good for you. Type 2 Diabetes has become a generic problem in today’s society. Type 2 diabetes is mostly due to overconsuming of sugar.  Thanks to fasting the level of insulin and the level of diabetes in your blood diminishes significantly.
Fasting also protects you against kidney problems

 Moreover, during your intermittent fasting your neurones are better and are activated and even growing. It has also been proven that it would increase your brain faculties.

 Most people when they  lose weight  they lose their muscle or their excess of water but they don’t get their body in good health. Intermittent fasting is a two in one solution: you get the body and the health of your dream.

So what we have been told in the past is all rubbish?
In the past, people were told, I suppose because of the commercial benefit of cereal farmers and the cereal industry that breakfast was the most important meal of the day. That you needed cereal slow release of sugar during the day. But that is not true at all. After you have slept you are at your peak bodywise so there is no reasons why you can’t make an effort without any food input at this stage and work with your body without food then.

Will it be hard for me to adopt this life style?

Yes at first but it is like everything when you adopt a new routine it will just set in eventually.

Wednesday, 26 April 2017



Is there a way to remain slim? Most people when they have dieted take the

kilos back plus more because the body thinks: He or she straved me to death

so in case it happens again I will make sure there are some kilos saved in the

belly. Storing fat just as in the past we were storing meat in the larder.

So there are things you can do to remain healthy, slim and gorgeous.
Adopting a healthy diet can be tricky and sticking with it even trickier. However your biggest  ally is your subconscious mind which has the power while you are asleep to make you remain slim, healthy and gorgeous.
So what to do?  Before going to bed focus on you being radiant at your best slim and healthy. Ask for all your organs to work at their best, to remove any negative fat you might have accumulated during the day  , ask for your glandular system to work in harmony and see all of you working at its best.
Dream on it. Forget it. See in the morning how luminous you feel.

Eating and feeling bad is vicious circle for some of us. When the outside world is showing us how we should be, thin, skinny min happy with our body it triggers something in us.  Because we are not measuring up to what we are being shown, we stuff ourselves with food because we consider our body is flawful.  So we say why bother and here goes in chocolate cookies pizza, doctor Pepper and so on.
This was gratifying in t e minute when we stuffed ourselves. Then after we feel bad. Then after we diet then once again fall back into the trap of stuffing yourself to feel better.
You know it is not working so stop doing it. Get to the root of it. First stop comparing yourself. Your body is communicating with you in one way or another. Just listen and gives it what it wants. What I want and what my body needs are two different things.
The best advice I can give you is every time you are going to eat anything ask yourself: Am I eating that because my body needs it or is it because there is an emotion inside of me that makes me feel bad about myself?
That is just a way to remind yourself that you are fantastic the way you are. What you do well, what you do with pleasure, what is great about your life, what you do better than anybody else all are things you can put on your list. What are your gifts? What are your talents ? What are you abilities? What are your virtues? Morals?

When you have made your list you will realise that you are awesome now. You don’t need to remain  slim  or to diet again to appreciate yourself you are already great the way you are.
Your attitude, beliefs, emotions and thoughts as well your experiences make you who you are. When you are at one with the Universe, things manifest quickly and your best interest. The opposite is true too. If you are emotionally not quite happy with your life,  fix the unhappiness. Your emotions are the indicators of your life. If you don’t feel well, blessed and grateful  then there is something wrong which needs fixing. And it is all in the mind.
We all go through, dramas, turbulences, problems, issues, challenges, tragedies the way you react to them will determine the way your life will pan out. Let us say your pet died and your sorrow makes you over eat. You need to look at it from a different perspective and first see that it is normal to express your sadness and pain by crying but the overfeeding is not. You are in control of what goes in your body. The decisions you take regarding your health impacts on whether you are going to remain slim or not. And to reiterate you are in control of these decisions.
Having set backs is ok as long as you are conscious you made the choice so you turn things round again.
This mini vision board about your health is a reminder of your own goal regarding your health. In this mini vision board, may be the size of a deck of card, you are going to write down 2 or 3 affirmations glue your slim figure in the middle and add things you want your body to perform for you. Running, jogging, skydiving, swimming scuba diving, horse riding….This mini vision board will be folded in your pocket and whenever you need a reminder just look at it. If you carry it with you all the time, you will remain slim because you will have programmed it to remain slim , healthy and gorgous. In fact what you have done is you connected and programed your subconscious mind with your health goal.
If what you observe in your life does not match your expectations, don’t be down! On the contrary go and live this imagined reality you want and feel good about it. If you slip up with your waste line for example, just go and imagine you waist line being great.
Your current situation is only current in the now. Tomorrow it won’t be current any more unless you have not changed your vibrations regarding you maintaining your  slim, sexy and adorable figure. Don’t use WILL. For example I  WILL maintain my body at its optimum best. No that won’t work instead say WHAT IF I AM maintaining my body at it optimum best? By asking the question you are grounding your answer in this reality and planted a self hypnosis order. Never forget to feel how it feel to maintain your health at the best it can possibly be.
Be persistent, carry on doing what works and drop what does not. Don’t be discouraged if no results are showing, carry on. It will eventually. NEVER QUIT. NEVER QUIT. NEVER QUIT.
If you believe, it will happen. If you believe, you will slim. If you believe, you will be a success.


Monday, 24 April 2017



Don’t say :  I will be happy when I am slim. Why? First you are delaying your chance of being happy. And most importantly your happiness is not dependent on your weight, your money, a new house, a new boyfriend, a better health…. Indeed you will attract these things when you are happy. Because your vibrations bring you what you want.

So what is the secret? How can I be happy now?
First: concentrate on the now. Having big goals is great and gives you a direction but thinking about the future all the time will make you miss the beautifulness of your day. This day you are living right now will never come back again. Make sure you make of all of these moments special. Capturing the smells, sensations and seeing the little things  will help you be  happy. Think about each day as your mini life; enjoy your day make it memorable and special. Be nice, be kind, serve others and connect with them will ready give you a sense of outward happiness. Of course happiness is an inside job  and is an attitude not an emotion. But having great magical things happen to you will bring you fuel to your inner happiness.

2nd: Make you sure you make the right decisions. Your life is shaped by the choices you make. What is in you, around you and on you are your choice. Make sure you choose your friends in such a way that your energy will match and it will be a joy to be around. Make sure the house you buy or live in represents you and that it feeds you. Make sure the clothes you wear will benefit you and will reflect who you are as a whole. Make sure the ides and beliefs you select represents and nurture you the real you. Make sure these ideas are not fear based, that they don’t spoil your joy from the inside. Stop complaining whining and getting in gossip modes. Talk about the positive. Keep your energy high, good foods, good drinks, good exercises…. You are the author of your life, if you don’t like something start again, make better decisions, If you can’t on your own see a professional but make sure you are on the happiness wave length no matter what.

3rd: Your values have to match your activities. You were born unique and therefore what is important for you is unique. The activities you love doing are spiritual in essence. Why? Because you are what you love doing. Whether you love gardening or whether you love writing or whether you love creating object, or whether you like inventing things…. You need to do the activity that your love because that is what feed your soul. So make sure that what you do during your day match your values. If your top 5 values are not met during the day you will experience dissatisfaction and probably depression or a feeling of disenchantment.

4th: What you are saying to yourself has to be positive. Your subconscious mind records everything. From the day you were born it recorded pictures, smells, tastes, facts, feelings, sensations, the news…but what you say and think inside of yourself is what is most important to your subconscious mind. So make sure it is what you want. Don’t sabotage yourself thinking about the negative. And if you do just say: I am cancelling what I have just said about X, me or whatever, I am thinking this instead….

So you can slim and maintain your slim figures while being happy.  However, you probably can’t slim and be in good health when you are not happy. So be happy now!

Saturday, 22 April 2017



Funny that after all this time of denying our bodies most food we like in order to slim we finally realise that what our ancestors were saying is true: You can eat whatever you want in moderation.

Personally the word moderation scares me. I don’t like it. I am more a it is all or nothing kind of guy. However recent studies have proven me wrong. Your body either accumulate fat or lose according to the number of calories you put in your body. So you need to start counting your calories.

On average your body can only digest 2000 calories to warm you up if you eat more than this level of calories then your body store it for rainy days when maybe you won’t be able to stuff yourself with food. A professor at Kansas University started an experiment to prove that it did not matter what you eat. He lost 20 pounds in 2 months by checking his calories intake, reduced his bad cholesterol and still indulged in 1/5 of his daily calories in chocolate bars and biscuits.

What matters is not what you eat but how many calories you put in your body. You can eat Macdonald food as long as it is below your 2000 calories status if you want to slim. When you want to lose weight you need to eat below your own optimum calories intake. On average is below 2000 calories but me if I want to carry on slimming I need to eat less 1743 calories because of my heights , weight and age. I advise you to find a calculator on line.

So why do you lose weight when you apply this method? Food never makes anybody fat. It is the digestion process than makes you gain weight or not. The same goes for beverages. You can eat for example 4 red apples for the same calories as a mars bar. In my case if I u consume 10 mars bar I have reached my limit for the day the rest will be stock by my body. When you eat good food as compared to processed salty or sweet food, you won’t have the craving anymore, or less of it anyhow. Cravings result in you stuffing yourself with food that are counterproductive when it comes to slimming.

What is needed to be done for you to slim?

Drink plenty of water: it flushes toxins, help the digestion process and hydrates the cells inside your body. It also prevent for bloating and false fat gain.

Eat less than your calorie recommendation a day and don’t feel deprived, eat what you love but a little. It just mean you need to track your calories intake.

Eat when you are hungry, prepare snacks and know their calories so that you won’t go over the limit.

Prefer good food to bad food.

Move but don’t over exercise. 1000 steps is all is required to maintain your body in good shape. Stay sit for 4/5 hours and the rest 7/8 hours up is better for you.

Friday, 21 April 2017



Your reasons for doing something are critical for you to achive success. These reasons are key to you reaching and maintaining your goal. I am saying that because there is no point slimming and gaining it all back again after all the hard work. It will avoid a lot of frustration and will make you feel good.

One of the ways to be sure to reach your target is to make 3 columns on a sheet of paper  daily. In the middle you write your vision of the big goal, on the right column you write down what the reaching your goal will give you and on the left column all the little objectives you will do to attain your big goal today

Why is it good? It is good because it is in front of you and show you right in the middle what is the goal for example: being the owner of my own home. On the right column may be you will have written, it will make calm, will be able to go on holiday more often, I won’t have to pay on rent or mortgage anymore. On the left you might have written something like: check with estate agents, visit property y, give a phone call to my lawyer…

When you are focus and your energy is targeted you can achieve a lot. You as a human being have values, ethics, morals and core beliefs. Make sure these traits are in alignment with what you do and the goals you set for yourself. No point wanting to go on holiday if it is to work or do the same thing you do at home, for example. Make sure the changes you make will serve you in the long term.

When you know why you are doing something there is a feeling of fulfilment being felt. If your motives are strong you will literally manifest miracles into your life. Because what you want does not stem out of nowhere, it stems from your subconscious mind, which is in direct link with the divine, your reasons for being here, and your own divinity art large. If you don’t like the term divine, just say the matrix.

Also when you meet conflict and sometimes chaos, make sure they do not make you take the wrong turn out of fear. You need to be determined and strong when chaos and conflict are in your way. Always think of these conflict and chaos as being just contrast to help you really sharpen your own goals. They are sometimes lessons you need to learn and detours you need to take in order to match the vibrations of what you want.

When you are in the shit, don’t think about the shit but about what you want out of your life. Maintain the positive energy about what you want, see positive around you, believe in the magic of the positive. And always think that will pass too. Never be discouraged or lose the positive energy when a storm is here. What you focus on multiplies. So focus on the positive.

To be in a state of receiving, just imagine you can’t fail and say “thank u” before you receive whatever your goal is . Only fear can let you believe otherwise. Fear will make you procrastinate and reduce your determination and will  make you analyse and observe the world instead of being part of life. Every time you are focusing on something, meaning every moment you are not in the flow- make sure the feeling is good. The more you focus on the good the more good will come. So if you focus on your goal make sure you think of the positive associated with your goals, for example if I buy my house in the SW of France, I am seeing the beach , the sun the sand under my feet the dogs and my friends walking with me. I see my new car...

If you are a bit lost and can’t see your slimming happening, just do a review of what works and what does not and may be change your short and long terms strategies to reach your goals. Maybe you thought you could slim then enrol at the gym , when you see no results, maybe you can do both at the same time, or You thought you might slim just doing  a fad diet but it seems it does not work for you, maybe then you realise you need something more permanent like a change of life style so you need some help with that. Whatever plans –another word for strategies- you had may be you can change that. What is important is that your goals should not be changed especially if they are SMART: specific, measurable, achievable, reachable and time based.

S: Who? what? I lose my stomach

M= How much? How? I lose 20 kilos: Exercising regularly and drinking plenty of water

A= How will it add value?  Feeling better and more energised

R = What will your success depend on? For that I join a gym class and buy a drinking fountain and befriend a gym buddy

T= Till When? In 6 months

Sunday, 16 April 2017


EFT and slimming: vitamoins and probiotics

Vitamins help your health and body function at their best.


Of course it helps against aging. Absorbing nutrients your body is harder as you get older. However your nutritional needs increase making it a must for supporting you as you get older.

Another reasons is that you may take some drugs or medicines that take away in your body all the good nutrients so extra ones are needed.

Multi vitamins help you memorise things better, not for long term memories but for short term memories.

Taking mutivatimins helps with your energy. And who does not need an extra boost? These boost comes not only from the vitamins but also from the minerals so make sure your multivitamin also includes all the minerals you need.

Taking Vitamin B help you clear toxins from the body by keeping the liver and other organs beautiful.

Of course multivatmins also help with your muscles, keeping free from radicals that can harm your body. It is said that Vitamin D improves your muscles strength. Test it for your self.

The vitamin D is said to prevent fall and help you harmonise your balance.

Did you know that it can save yor ears and improve your chance of hearing ? Vitamins B have  great anti homcysteine level this things that make hear loss possible.

Of course multivitamins improve the condition of your skin, beta carotene, vitamin a and E are extremely important for your skin.

It helps fight asthma and allergies. People suffering from these conditions most probably suffer from alack of zinc, selenium and magnesium and vitamin C.

Mutivitamins are great for raising your morale, and have always been prescribed as anti depressants for emotional health and joie de vivre for centuries.

They also help you manage stress and anxiety especially B vitamins.

THEY ARE EXCELLENT FOR SLIMMING as they help you nurturing your body when you are making the change your body is not used to.

Because vitamins are anti radical they help increase your sexual prowess, as the hormones are vulnerable to free radicals killing them help you get at your peak .

Multivitamins help you with dry eyes.

Another great benefit of taking benefit is that it help you wanting to have alcohol. Vitamins b , calcium and magnesium can do that for you.

And final one it prevent toot ache and decay, vitamin C has always been known by sailors to reduce gum disease. The vitamin E and A  and selenium also imorove the quality of your gums. If you have problem with plaques may be you have a deficiency with Zinc in which case taking multivitamins and nutrients make it a must.


A probiotic is a  live bacteria  and a yeast that is good for your body digestive system especially your gut. You gut processes your food from  an IN to an OUT form - for example a slice of a cake to the faeces . The chemicals inside your stomach as well as your enzymes break down the food so it can be digested. Good bacteria are nedded to do all this work.


It is good for you.

Here are the reasons.

It increases your immunity  as it prevent organs dysfunctioning at the time.

When you are pregnant it helps your body making the milk more baby ready it has anti bacterial properties.

Did you know that not having  or not enough of probiotics could be the cause of   ulcers, IBS, colitis, Inflamed bowel diseases,  Crohn diseases?

If you have celiac disease or have got a gluren sensitivuty just add a little bit of probiotics into your diet and you shoudl feel lighter.

When you eat junk food and food low  in fiber the bad bacteria kills the good bacteria making it a must for you to add probiotics to avoid colon cancer.

Candida blooms when there is not enough probiotics inside the body. Making you look like a walking stomach like Bart Simpson.

A good level of probiotics inside your body help you fight cancer and prevent radiations damages.

It is has been proven that your gut and your mental health are connected so make sure your probiotics are taken regularly  if you don't want to end up too coo coo.

Friday, 14 April 2017


EFT and slimming
What you put in your body either make your health better or not. A healthy body is generally linked to eating and drinking healthy. You feel in alignment with your spirit when your body and mind works better and it is all dependent on  all the fuel you give your body. 


BEANS are a source of protein and exist in many varieties.

Green beans are low in calories and high in fibre  and nutrients , vitamins K and A. The beans offer antioxidants properties, colon cancer prevention and cardiovascular proprieties . The  zinc and vitamin A in them will optiminise your immune system.

Careful when you buy them that they don't contain pesticide residues.

POTATOES AND SWEET POTATOES They originated from south Africa . They are grown deep in  the floor.

POTATOES are good for they vitamin B6 helping you for endurance , they are  stress releasers, they reduce your  risk of having cancer and they protect your heart. Sweet potatoes have antidiabetic properties, they are helping your blood sugar go down. They have antioxidants properties  and have lots of vitamins and minerals in them.

BLACK PEPPER, originated from India ; it grows in a vine and was used in ancient Greece as we used money today. the 5 continents use and have access to black pepper.

Black pepper is good for your digestion and your intestines. It prevents gas. It help you sweat and urinate. It is an anti bacterial and antioxidants that stimulates the breakdown of your fat.

CRANBERRY, it grows in shrubs, it was first discovered in America. They brought it  over in The UK in 18th century.

Cranberry juices are well known for helping your urinary infections. Cranberries  are also good at boosting gastrointestinal  and for oral bacterial health. They prevent kidney stones and lower your cholesterol, they also have cancer protection properties.

TURKEY originated in Mexico. Christopher Colombus introduced Turkeys to Europe. Often eaten at Christmas.

Turkey is an excellent source of protein , it has selenium in it which helps your thyroids and your immune system as a whole work better. It contains niacin and zinc which fight cancer for you and helps your skin strengthen.

Avoid buying turkeys that have been "hormonised" . They are detrimental to your health.

TEA originated from China and was discovered when tea leaves feel down in a pot of boiling water. Some leaves are steamed some leaves are dried.

Both green and black teas contain polyphenols, which help your heart being protected, have antioxidants properties  fighting cancer and free radical cell damage properties.

White tea is supposed to be more beneficial for you than green tea.

ORANGES originated  in South China then were  exported to India then to the whole world.

Oranges have strong antioxidants properties.It has a huge amount of Vitamin C boosting your immune system. An orange fight the free radicals in your body that  oxidise cholesterol.

Wash well if you eat the skin of the orange.

ALMONDS these nuts are extremely fresh during midsummer.

Almonds  are good fat they reduce your chance of you getting heart attack and lower cholesterol. They are thought to help maintain body weight. The minerals in the almonds boost your immune system. It is also a good nut for your skin and your nervous system

If you roast them don't over cook them so the goodness in them is still in them.

SALMONS are travelling fish that only come back home to die. They were traditionally  either  smoked or kept in a jar of  salt.

Salmons are high in Omega 3 , good fat, good vitamin B , niacin and selenium. It is also called brain food. Eating salmon everyday can uplift your face, plump it out and feed your skin.

Do not buy grown in a mass producing farm salmon are they are dangerous for your body.

LEMON AND LIME Limes originated in south Asia. Lemons are supposed to be originated from China.

They both contain flavonoids , meaning they have  antioxidant and anti-inflammatory health benefits. It is anti cancer , they are high in vitamin C , they prevent inflammation in your body. 

It is the only acidic food that transform into alkaline food in the body.

AUBERGINE originated from South Africa and China. They were used for decorative purposes because of their purpley colour.

Aubergine if eaten with its skin, contains nasunin, A substance that improves your blood flow, lower your cholesterol and protects your brain cells. What  more? It is a powerful fighter of free radical.

Try to always eat the aubergine with its skin as that is the best part of this veg.

ASPARAGUS is  generally considered a gourmet food. It originated around the Mediterranean seas and was cultivated in Egypt around Jesus Christ time.

Asparagus are excellent  for pregnant women as it elasticify the skin  it also keep your cardiovascular system healthy. It is also excellent for your gut in general.

Careful when you pee, it stinks. Don be worries by the smell!

LENTILS there are many types of lentils.

They contain magnesium and vitamin B6 which help your heart  and helps prevent any coronary disease. There is a lot of amount of iron in lentils , lentils help you feel full and stabilises out your blood sugar. And lentils prevent digestive problems.

Careful when you cook them not to squash them or sponge them.

OLIVE OIL 7000 years ago in Ancient Crete olive oil was already being consumed. This oil is great for most dish.

Olive oil is full of   good fat. It is anti-cancer  and anti-ageing  thanks to its vitamin E. It also helps prevent colon cancer, diabetes, heart disease and asthma.

Always buy the cold pressed version. Do not hesitate to use on your hair or your skin, if you don't mind the smell.

MUTARD SEEDS are cultivate in different parts of the world. The white  variety come from the Mediterranean areas,  The brown variety come  from the Himalayas  and the black variety from the Middle east. Most of our mustard condiment  are cultivated in Canada.

They are full of minerals calcium, zinc iron and manganese. Some say it help asthma patients, lower blood pressure and are anti cancer.

Careful if you make your own sauce it can really get hot. adding a bit of hot water will ensure it is not that hot.

Thursday, 13 April 2017


There is a pay off. And yes that is the dark side, what you get for not slimming is what keeps the sabotage cycle in place. 

Why are you sabotaging yourself, your effort, not reaching your goals? It basically means that you are in your own way, you are resisting what you set your mind to do consciously. It is generally because you feel under pressure so the sabotage brings you something positive that is more thrilling than the change you desperately want but also  change is unexplored and  it feels unsafe.

Here are the two questions that will help you in your quest toward slimming.

1 What are the upside of sabotaging myself?

2 What are the downside of reaching a slim body?

Generally when we are stuck in a sabotage cycle our main aim is to survive, to feel safe. Otherwise we are so clear and determined that we change the behaviour we don't like and we reach the success we deserve having cleared all the frustration and our ideas regarding our own efficiency.

Fear is the cause of your sabotage. Fear makes you safe. If you don't do anything you know you will remain in the same position, not an ideal one but a place you can handle and you know well.

Once you understand your fears you can start the process of deconstructing your sabotage cycle.

Prevailing emotions , unless explained, will produce the same results over and over. Your behaviour are explained by your emotions. Your job is not about treating the behaviour. To make a difference in your life you need to treat  the underlying emotions then you will be able to reach success. 

How do you do that ? Become aware of your own gremlins. 

Explain to yourself what it is you exactly expect by not changing your behaviour or remaining the same. Also analyse what the danger you try to avoid by not changing or sabotaging yourself. Make sure you are also clear about how you think things will pan out, how slimming will upset the equilibrium you know so well.

And another thing to stop self sabotaging yourself is to be clear on what success means for you. In your case being slim equals success.

Fill out these 2 sentences and you will have your clarified definition- something you can measure and go forward.

I am slim when------------------

I feel -------------------------when I am slim

Another thing that I have to warn you against is not to over expect. Don't say you will lose 30 kilos in 2 days. First it is absurd and second it may lead to grief, health issues, physiological problems..



WHY? Because your subconscious mind does not like the word lose. Your subconscious mind will always make you regain what you have lost or say you have lost.

How to do the tapping?

Determine before the tapping if you afraid to succeed at slimming and what it might imply or you are afraid of failing. 

KARATE CHOP 3 times: Even though I am sabotaging myself because I am either afraid to be a success /or afraid to fail as far as slimming, I completely accept my behaviour and love myself completely

EYE BROW POINT: I am sabotaging myself
SIDE OF THE EYE POINT: I am sabotaging my slimming
UNDER THE EYE POINT: I don't want to feel----
UNDER THE NOSE POINT: No wonder I don't slim
ON THE CHIN POINT: I am afraid to succeed /or to fail
ON THE COLLAR BONE: No wonder everything I do never works
UNDER THE ARMS: I am afraid of success /or failure 
TOP OF THE HEAD POINT: I fear I might never slim

Take a deep breath.

Once you have acknowledge what your subconscious mind was doing for you all along,  you can  now safely insert the new belief in.

EYE BROW POINT: I am slimming now
SIDE OF THE EYE POINT: The more I slim the more my life is good
UNDER THE EYE POINT: I feel gorgeous and slim
ON THE CHIN POINT: I remain slim
ON THE COLLAR BONE: I love being a success
UNDER THE ARMS:  What if slimming is key to my future success?
TOP OF THE HEAD POINT: I deserve to slim.

Take a long deep breathe and let it out.

You can repeat the second part of the tapping more than once. I actually recommend that you spend a minimum of 15 min on it each day until it becomes second nature.


I am so thrilled to announce that my new book DO YOU WANT CASH? is out.

Shout it out everywhere!

Everyone needs this so go to amazon and purchase it for  everyone you love...


Wednesday, 12 April 2017


Did you know that 70% of the world have the candida albicans gut?
When you see on someone else or on yourself a big belly you can be sure there is problem with the  candida we are talking about, a fungus that grows inside your gut. We all have this candida and when we are eating healthily then it is kept under control. If you have the following symptoms- fatigue,lack of focus ,headaches, digestion problems, weak immune system- then maybe you can do a candida diet.

The probable causes are the love of sugar a disturbance in your gland system , mostly caused by stress, using antibiotics because it destroys the the good bacteria that help the candida not to grow and contraceptive pills.

Things to avoid are processed food, oily stuff, yeasty dowey stuff that smell so nice like bread  and doughnuts; of course alcohol(sugar) that transforms straight away into sugar, and rice, pasta, potatoes and  every thing starchy.

I have just finished  this candida diet myself and lost 10 kilos in the processed regain a good figure and started to act on my dreams again. I literally remove all the soda from my life in my case I was addicted to Dr Pepper and could drink 2 litres in a day just to get a boost, a fix that only lasted  a moment. But then my energy would drop again and I needed another fix of sugar so got chocolate bars, or marzipan or sweets or cakes or biscuits. So for the sake of this diet, which at first I was not certain would work, I dropped all of that I used to cherish  because these kinds of food  were mostly producing  acidic blood- I am referring here to the food that has been digested and released into the blood causing problems with joints, muscles bones, heart disease, diabetes and kidney problems. So I chose food that were tagged as alkalined. Mostly salad, celery, cucumber, olive, cabbage and used pulses and a source of protein like quinoa, salmon, eggs, sardines and eaten salad every day. For snacks I either had almonds or rice cakes with margarine or seeds. For breakfast I adopted the buckwheat flakes, which I love. I have to say after these 3 months that  I feel fit, I feel alive and my brain is very much working as it should. Opportunities come my way...

Does it mean I don't get any cravings? Yes it does mean that. I was at a workshop the other day, I was able to have a cake in a French Patisserie in Baker Street in the middle of London without feeling guilty and without feeling the need for more. Do I miss some food? Yes I do love my fish and chips and bread. But I know now I won't be excessive when I eat them. I have learned that I love my salads and I will probably stick with my salads for most of my life. I recommend everyone to check on alkaline foods and to begin a candida diet if you feel like it.

Here is a little list of alkaline food:

  • Asparagus Broccoli
  • Courgette/Zucchini
  • Dandelion
  • Snowpeas
  • Green Beans
  • String Beans
  • Runner Beans
  • Spinach
  • Kale
  • Wakame
  • Kelp
  • Collards
  • Chives
  • Endive
  • Chard
  • Cabbage

  • GRAINS  
  • Amaranth
  • Buckwheat
  • Chia/Salba
  • Kamut
  • Millet
  • Quinoa
  • Lentils

  • Lima Beans
  • Mung Beans
  • Pinto Beans
  • Red Beans
  • Soy Beans
  • White Beans

  • OILS
  • Avocado Oil
  • Coconut Oil
  • Olive Oil

  • Almonds
  • Coconut
  • Pumpkin Seeds
  • Sesame Seeds
  • Sunflower Seeds

  • Avocado
  • Lemon
  • Lime
  • Fresh Coconut
  • Pomegranate

Of course, EFT does miracles for you and it can help you slim down but if you don't know, like in my case, what was the plus side of stuffing myself- it helped me not to take care of myself and sabotage myself, blaming my failures on external situations- EFT won't work for you.