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EFT and slimming: vitamoins and probiotics |
Vitamins help your health and body function at their best.
Of course it helps against aging. Absorbing nutrients your body is harder as you get older. However your nutritional needs increase making it a must for supporting you as you get older.
Another reasons is that you may take some drugs or medicines that take away in your body all the good nutrients so extra ones are needed.
Multi vitamins help you memorise things better, not for long term memories but for short term memories.
Taking mutivatimins helps with your energy. And who does not need an extra boost? These boost comes not only from the vitamins but also from the minerals so make sure your multivitamin also includes all the minerals you need.
Taking Vitamin B help you clear toxins from the body by keeping the liver and other organs beautiful.
Of course multivatmins also help with your muscles, keeping free from radicals that can harm your body. It is said that Vitamin D improves your muscles strength. Test it for your self.
The vitamin D is said to prevent fall and help you harmonise your balance.
Did you know that it can save yor ears and improve your chance of hearing ? Vitamins B have great anti homcysteine level this things that make hear loss possible.
Of course multivitamins improve the condition of your skin, beta carotene, vitamin a and E are extremely important for your skin.
It helps fight asthma and allergies. People suffering from these conditions most probably suffer from alack of zinc, selenium and magnesium and vitamin C.
Mutivitamins are great for raising your morale, and have always been prescribed as anti depressants for emotional health and joie de vivre for centuries.
They also help you manage stress and anxiety especially B vitamins.
THEY ARE EXCELLENT FOR SLIMMING as they help you nurturing your body when you are making the change your body is not used to.
Because vitamins are anti radical they help increase your sexual prowess, as the hormones are vulnerable to free radicals killing them help you get at your peak .
Multivitamins help you with dry eyes.
Another great benefit of taking benefit is that it help you wanting to have alcohol. Vitamins b , calcium and magnesium can do that for you.
And final one it prevent toot ache and decay, vitamin C has always been known by sailors to reduce gum disease. The vitamin E and A and selenium also imorove the quality of your gums. If you have problem with plaques may be you have a deficiency with Zinc in which case taking multivitamins and nutrients make it a must.
A probiotic is a live bacteria and a yeast that is good for your body digestive system especially your gut. You gut processes your food from an IN to an OUT form - for example a slice of a cake to the faeces . The chemicals inside your stomach as well as your enzymes break down the food so it can be digested. Good bacteria are nedded to do all this work.
It is good for you.
Here are the reasons.
It increases your immunity as it prevent organs dysfunctioning at the time.
When you are pregnant it helps your body making the milk more baby ready it has anti bacterial properties.
Did you know that not having or not enough of probiotics could be the cause of ulcers, IBS, colitis, Inflamed bowel diseases, Crohn diseases?
If you have celiac disease or have got a gluren sensitivuty just add a little bit of probiotics into your diet and you shoudl feel lighter.
When you eat junk food and food low in fiber the bad bacteria kills the good bacteria making it a must for you to add probiotics to avoid colon cancer.
Candida blooms when there is not enough probiotics inside the body. Making you look like a walking stomach like Bart Simpson.
A good level of probiotics inside your body help you fight cancer and prevent radiations damages.
It is has been proven that your gut and your mental health are connected so make sure your probiotics are taken regularly if you don't want to end up too coo coo.
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