Most law of attraction books, cds, videos, teachers, gurus tell you that what you want to manifest in your life is easy to get, you take something you think that will make you happy and you concentrate on it and eventually just like magic it will appear. What you give attention to is more likely to manifest than what you don't give your attention to . This is an EGO based led by the mind kind of manifestation.
But there is better. What if I tell you that it is even simpler than that. You don't need to be a wizzard but a vessel. You don't need to be in control but open. You need to be a receiver ready to receive. It is all very well to say to the Universe , God, the Source, or whoever you are sending your request to , to send you this and that,-and by undertaking this or that action and having this or that feeling- but at the end of the day if you are never satisfied with what you get because the minute you get it you are after another wish, what is the point of asking in the first place? Plus it makes you question: what is it you really like, love and desire?
I have found myself that I don't always know what I like because I only had a set of experience and I selected my likes accordingly. But if I have not lived an experience how do I know I won't like it? Indeed most of the activities I love now I have discovered them in my late 30ies. Not when I was a child, nor a teenager nor at an angry young adult. But late in life when I think it was time for me to discover these activities. There is a time and space for everything. What my journey has been is not series of wishes fulfilled- some has been though- but a series of events that made me explore further to discover the truth about me.
Intentions is a bad word because if you think aboiut the word IN -TENSION it literally means you are tensed to get in. You do not want to be tensed. Your body is telling you where you are tensed and link it to your thoughts if you listen. Your mind and emotions are telling your answers to get more attractive. Intuition is the teacher within may be your tensions is linked to your intuition bringing you the magic in your life that could bring you answers.
Stresses are linked to your beliefs and maybe you are stuck in a vicious circle and you do all the right things, you go by the book, but nothing happens. However just the act of relaxing is the art of becoming successful. Relaxing is key to becoming the person you want to be. And you don't have to get your Ego in the middle of this. All you need is to calm down your brain, breathe, relax your body and then concentrate on nothing but believe that whatever needs to show up in your life will show up in your life. Trusting having faith and believing are essential to your manifesting process. You cant do without it.
If there is a part of you that is Godly, Universal, Sourcey- because you have your part to play in the tapestry of life- then you can be sure you have within you whatever it takes to access the divine and tap into divine, magical, extraordinary powers. You need to allow the flow in your life. And you are in the flow naturally. All you need is to remove what is stopping your flow so you can be in the flow again. What if it is time to stop manipulating the Universal and let the divine tell you what to do.
Here are some of the what if questions that will help you.
What If I am divine wealth?
What if I am divine health?
What if I am divine love?
What if I am divine intelligence?
What if I am divine happiness?
What if I am divine joy?
You can formulate these questions differently if it feels better for you.
What I am God abundance?
What if I am the abundance of the Universe?
What if I am the abundance of the Source
What if The Source makes me abundant?
When you implement these what if questions into your life by tapping them, you don't need to change what the Universe has provided, you don't need to control the outcomes, you don't need to remove your suffering... No you are guided and led and everything feels right.
Manifesting this way is a Spiritually based process. When and if you are using the law of attraction this way, you will be led to opportunities that feel great and in alignment with your true self.
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