You may ask yourself what it is has got to do with wanting more cash. You may also think that even badly groomed people can be very rich or you might think that money does not care what you wear.
I absolutely agree with you. However because everything is energy the way you dress, if it matches or if it does not match your own personality it can actually make you poorer or richer. How so? It is very simple, when things are not a barrier any more on what you desire manifest in your life.
Imagine somebody has got the most beautiful suit but it does not match his or her personality it does nott match who she or he is inside. Therefore the person is not manifesting what he or she desires.
Glenda Feilen puts it in her own words. I ma rephrasing what she say for you what is in you, on you and around you influences things more than you know, it is all to do with Feng Shui and the law of attraction.
I came up with my own quadrant along time ago and I now tell the 4 types how to dress according to their personalities. I call them Spring, Summer, Autumn and Winter personalities. It has nothing to do with your sign of the zodiac. You can be a Spring personality born in December and a Winter personality born in September..
Now can you spot yourself in the descriptions underneath, And ca nyou spot your friends, and partner and son and daughter? It will avoid you priceless mistakes trying to buy them what does not match their personalities.
Spring personalities are people their words are: POSSIBILITIES and FUN. They are lively,light-hearted and spontaneous. They have new ideas often and they are inspired by hope. They prioritise trying the new and the on the edge novelties. However they tend to be challenged by the amount of work that their ideas lead them to. They cheer everybody up. They connect with people easily . Their thing is to make other people smile. They rarely get angry but when they do be warned it is not pretty. They should wear bright colours and unsymetrical patterns.
Summer personalities are easy going people whose words are: CONNECTION and COMFORT. They are observant chilled, they bringing people at peace, they love having plans but it may take them ages to achieve so most of the time they abandon the plans mid way. In their home their clothes their car , if it is not comfy it is not for them. Fluid clothes and pale colours are more for them. They have to be able to move in it. When they get angry they regret it afterward.
Autumn personalities are dynamic and fast. The best words to describe them are RESULTS and AMAZING. They get things done, they love being into actions and motivating others. They are often passionate about what they do. They may be perceived as pushy. They follow things through. They dress the part in general good texture is for them, colours link to professionalism are their favourite, their clothes fit their body, not loose. When they get angry they are erupting but they are not revengeful.
Winter personalities are thorough and focused. If you were to choose two words to describe them it would be: PERFECTION and PRECISION. They are efficient , they are working toward inspiring respect and perfecting whatever they see. However they may feel things aren't as perfect as they ought to be and feel disappointed in themselves when things don't turn out the way they wanted them to. They see the world from a detached analytical view and criticitise what they see easily. They like to wear things that are nice to look at , functional and they love black. When they get angry they go into a cold rage that can last awhile.
I believe everybody should be encouraged to read more about the art of dressing up and be given an education in school in how to dress in style. You can check Carol Tuttle
Whatever you do when you purchase a new item that you will wear often, ask yourself the following questions:
Is it nice? Is it something that will make me happy? Is it something that will bring me success? Does it match my personality? Is it a compulsive buy? Can I find better quality for the same price? Is it the right colour for me? When I try it on does it embellish me or not.
These types of questions will generally stop you not manifesting what you want.
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