Monday, 24 April 2017



Don’t say :  I will be happy when I am slim. Why? First you are delaying your chance of being happy. And most importantly your happiness is not dependent on your weight, your money, a new house, a new boyfriend, a better health…. Indeed you will attract these things when you are happy. Because your vibrations bring you what you want.

So what is the secret? How can I be happy now?
First: concentrate on the now. Having big goals is great and gives you a direction but thinking about the future all the time will make you miss the beautifulness of your day. This day you are living right now will never come back again. Make sure you make of all of these moments special. Capturing the smells, sensations and seeing the little things  will help you be  happy. Think about each day as your mini life; enjoy your day make it memorable and special. Be nice, be kind, serve others and connect with them will ready give you a sense of outward happiness. Of course happiness is an inside job  and is an attitude not an emotion. But having great magical things happen to you will bring you fuel to your inner happiness.

2nd: Make you sure you make the right decisions. Your life is shaped by the choices you make. What is in you, around you and on you are your choice. Make sure you choose your friends in such a way that your energy will match and it will be a joy to be around. Make sure the house you buy or live in represents you and that it feeds you. Make sure the clothes you wear will benefit you and will reflect who you are as a whole. Make sure the ides and beliefs you select represents and nurture you the real you. Make sure these ideas are not fear based, that they don’t spoil your joy from the inside. Stop complaining whining and getting in gossip modes. Talk about the positive. Keep your energy high, good foods, good drinks, good exercises…. You are the author of your life, if you don’t like something start again, make better decisions, If you can’t on your own see a professional but make sure you are on the happiness wave length no matter what.

3rd: Your values have to match your activities. You were born unique and therefore what is important for you is unique. The activities you love doing are spiritual in essence. Why? Because you are what you love doing. Whether you love gardening or whether you love writing or whether you love creating object, or whether you like inventing things…. You need to do the activity that your love because that is what feed your soul. So make sure that what you do during your day match your values. If your top 5 values are not met during the day you will experience dissatisfaction and probably depression or a feeling of disenchantment.

4th: What you are saying to yourself has to be positive. Your subconscious mind records everything. From the day you were born it recorded pictures, smells, tastes, facts, feelings, sensations, the news…but what you say and think inside of yourself is what is most important to your subconscious mind. So make sure it is what you want. Don’t sabotage yourself thinking about the negative. And if you do just say: I am cancelling what I have just said about X, me or whatever, I am thinking this instead….

So you can slim and maintain your slim figures while being happy.  However, you probably can’t slim and be in good health when you are not happy. So be happy now!

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